Archive for the Far East Category


Civil society and Muslim NGOs have acted as aggregators of ethical and spiritual values generating a system of support for social services and social justice By Glauco D’Agostino Abstract: The topic here is the contribution the Muslim NGOs have granted to the humanitarian, emergency and development sectors through instruments of wealth redistribution such as zakāt […]

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5 maggio 2019: Inizio del Ramaḍān

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3 giugno 2019: Fine del Ramaḍān

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Repubblica Popolare Cinese – Gli Stati Uniti ancora una volta isolati mentre i leader mondiali aprono il vertice sulla Via della Seta

Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il Primo Ministro italiano Giuseppe Conte tra i principali personaggi intervenuti   Libera traduzione da: PressTV, Fri Apr 26, 2019, 10:50AM Quasi 40 leader mondiali e decine di funzionari della finanza si sono riuniti a Pechino per costruire una nuova piattaforma per il commercio internazionale e contrastare l’unilateralismo e […]

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“Più Stato, Più Mercato”, nuovo libro di Cosimo Pergola

Una stagione confuciana per l’Occidente   Numero di pagine: 288 Collana: Policy Anno di edizione: 2018 Link:

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“The Decay of Western Civilisation and Resurgence of Russia”, a new book by Glenn Diesen

Between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Routledge, Rethinking Asia and International Relations, 208 pages What explains the rise of populist movements across the West and their affinity towards Russia? UKIP’s Brexit victory, Trump’s triumph, and the successive elections and referendums in Europe were united by a repudiation of the liberal international order. These new political forces envision […]

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London, UK – November 27th-28th, 2018: “Diplomacy for a Smart World”

THE SECOND EDITION OF THE LONDON DIPLOMATIC SUMMIT NEW DIPLOMACY  The London Diplomatic Summit is an annual forum for in-depth debate and discussion of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. It exists to meet the need for a different kind of high-level global meeting: more inclusive, connected, and results-oriented. The rapid social and […]

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Makhachkala, Dagestan – November 10th-13th, 2018: 4th Annual Meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision Russia-Islamic World

The capital of Russia’s southern Republic of Dagestan is set to host the fourth annual meeting of the Russia – Islamic World group on November 10-13. The gathering in Makhachkala is expected to focus on the prospects of Russia’s relationship with the global Muslim community amid growing terrorist threats and security challenges. In particular, the […]

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20 novembre 2018: Mawlid an-Nabī (per i Sunniti)

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25 novembre 2018: Mawlid an-Nabī (per gli Sciiti)

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Stati Arabi – Verso partnership strategica con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese

di Lu Hui Libera traduzione da: Xinhuanet, 2018-07-10, 22:19:26 Martedì mattina presso la Grande Sala del Popolo di Pechino il Presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha pronunciato un discorso alla cerimonia di apertura dell’ottava riunione ministeriale del Forum di Cooperazione Cina-Stati Arabi. Xi ha annunciato che la Cina e i Paesi Arabi hanno concordato di stabilire un “partenariato strategico […]

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A new Glauco D’Agostino’s book on the Volga-Ural ethnic and religious peculiarities within an institutional competition between the Kremlin and autonomies Tatarstan and the Middle Volga region are a crossroad of geo-political interests extending to Central Asia, a hub of Turkophone communities. It’s a historical and geographical evidence Tatarstan is part and parcel of Russia. […]

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