Archive for the Events by Area Category

NATO – The cynical Stoltenberg’s irresponsibility and inadequacy

The West is divided over its commitment to Ukraine. Italy: is it on the Canossa’s way? The government between revisions and corrections on the NATO topic by Glauco D’Agostino “We need to remember that Ukraine has the right for self-defence, they are defending their land, their territory. And, according to international law, the right for […]

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NATO – L’irresponsabilità e inadeguatezza del cinico Stoltenberg

L’Occidente si divide sull’impegno in Ucraina. L’Italia sulla via di Canossa? Governo tra revisioni e correzioni sul tema NATO di Glauco D’Agostino “Dobbiamo ricordare che l’Ucraina ha il diritto all’autodifesa, sta difendendo la propria terra, il proprio territorio. E, secondo il diritto internazionale, il diritto all’autodifesa include il diritto di colpire obiettivi militari legittimi al […]

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Russia – Zelenskij’s Ukraine attacks the Republic of Tatarstan

A serious military attack against the Muslim-majority Turkic Republic, a founding entity of the Russian Federation. It is urgent to foil the attempt by Zelenskij and his ruling oligarchy to involve the Islamic world in a war which, at least this time, does not have a religious character. Or should the direction be identified in […]

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Russia – L’Ucraina di Zelenskij attacca la Repubblica del Tatarstan

Gravissimo attacco militare contro la Repubblica turcofona a maggioranza musulmana, un’entità fondatrice della Federazione Russa. Urge sventare il tentativo di Zelenskij e della sua oligarchia al potere di coinvolgere il mondo islamico in una guerra che, almeno questa volta, non ha carattere religioso. O la regia va individuata nei soggetti internazionali di cui il regime […]

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by Glauco D’Agostino This article was first published in “Geopolitica. Revistă de Geografie Politică, Geopolitică şi Geostrategie“, nr. 1 (102 / 2024) Translații geopolitice (II), Editura “Top Form”, Asociaţia de Geopolitica Ion Conea, Bucureşti, 2024. Abstract Qatar is a borderland and a bridge between multifaceted cultures within Islam itself. Independence protection, sectarianism overcoming, diplomatic mediation and […]

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IL QATAR, L’INDIPENDENZA TUTELATA, LA SUA ABILITÀ GEO-POLITICA di Glauco D’Agostino Questo articolo è stato per primo pubblicato in Inglese da “Geopolitica. Revistă de Geografie Politică, Geopolitică şi Geostrategie“, nr. 1 (102 / 2024) Translații geopolitice (II), Editura “Top Form”, Asociaţia de Geopolitica Ion Conea, Bucureşti, 2024. Sommario Qatar, terra di confine e ponte tra […]

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Syria – If Eretz Israel attacks the Islamic Republic of Iran

By Glauco D’Agostino The warlike nature of the State of Israel is nothing new. What is considered the only democracy in the Middle East has a propensity for war in line with its ideological and international alliances. Today’s attack on the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus corresponds to an act of […]

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Siria – Se Eretz Israel attacca la Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran

di Glauco D’Agostino La natura bellica dello Stato d’Israele non è una novità. Quella che è considerata l’unica democrazia del Medio Oriente ha propensione alla guerra in linea con le sue alleanze ideologiche e internazionali. L’attacco di oggi all’Ambasciata della Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran a Damasco corrisponde ad un atto di guerra intesa ad innalzare la […]

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10 marzo 2024: Inizio del Ramaḍān

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Research project IPN 175: “Resilient Beliefs: Religion and Beyond,” funded by the Euregio Science Fund Cycle of seminars: “REBE Workshops” 19 March 2024 | 11:00 — 13:00 Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali, Aula Piccola The necessary conditions for the exercise of democracy’s problem-solving capacities do not seem to exist today. […]

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8 aprile 2024: Fine del Ramaḍān

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THE GOAL OF GEOPOLITICS IS NOT CONSENSUS (WHICH IS A POLITICAL GOAL) BUT THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE AND METHODS The following interview, published last October in the Romanian magazine “Geopolitica. Revistă de Geografie Politică, Geopolitică şi Geostrategie,” was conducted by the director and founder of the magazine, prof. Vasile Simileanu, Associated Member of the Academy […]

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